Cooking With Heroes: The Royal British Legion Centenary Cookbook
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Cooking With Heroes: The Royal British Legion Centenary Cookbook celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Royal British Legion (RBL), the country’s largest military charity. Not only will the book be raising money for military veterans, but it has also been written by volunteers from across the Royal Navy, the British Army and the Royal Air Force. Military chefs – with help from some high-profile celebrity supporters, including Rick Stein, Jamie Oliver, Ainsley Harriott, Sophie Thompson, Melissa Hemsley, Cyrus Todiwala and the Hairy Bikers – have provided delicious and authentic recipes from 100 regions around the world in which the Legion has operated: from Antrim to Australia, South Yorkshire to Singapore. Each regional recipe is accompanied by a fascinating profile of a hero specific to that region – from civilian volunteers to decorated war heroes – each one written by serving personnel or military veterans. You’ll read about men and women who have helped Britain and the Commonwealth over the years; from Caribbean and Indian Spitfire pilots who helped win the Battle of Britain, to wartime spies and special agents who withstood horrific torture; from battlefield medics who helped save the lives of Afghan soldiers, to brave servicemen who made the ultimate sacrifice in defence of others. Cooking With Heroes is a high-end cookbook that celebrates the nation’s military family in style.
Regalpress Ltd t/a St James’s House will donate 100% of net profit from retail sales (£5 from the £19.95 RRP) to the Royal British Legion, a registered charity (number 219279).
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